Updated De-registration rules for Cayman Islands Regulated Funds
2 September 2022
With effect from 17 August 2022
With the aim of streamlining the process for de-registering mutual funds and private funds, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) has recently announced a list of updated Rules and Regulatory Procedures (the Rules) on the Cancellation of Licences or Certificates of Registration for Regulated Mutual Funds and Registered Private Funds.
CIMA have confirmed that all de-registration applications made on or after 17 August 2022 will follow the new Rules. CIMA made clear that any funds that have submitted applications under the old procedures prior to 17 August 2022 will still be able to take advantage of the fee concessions under the old rules.
Under the updated Rules, the “Licence under Termination” (LUT) and “Licence under Liquidation” (LUL) options have been eliminated and regulated funds must file all applicable deregistration documents in a single bundle. Regulated funds will remain fully registered with CIMA and liable to pay full annual fees until the complete deregistration application has been submitted following the final distribution to investors and the completion of the final audit. Regulated funds must have paid all prescribed fees and submitted all required audited financial statements and must not have any outstanding queries or regulatory filings with CIMA.
Corresponding to the old rules, regulated funds must notify CIMA when the funds intend to cease carrying on business or have ceased carrying on business as a regulated funds pursuant to the Mutual Funds Act or the Private Funds Act within 21 days of the date the funds cease to carry on business. The content of the deregistration requirements does not have significant changes under the updated Rules.